
Showing posts from November, 2017

Immaculate Conception - Mary's sinless nature - Scriptural Evidence

In the olden time, an Angel would not show reverence to a man  because Angels are greater than men. Man is of a corruptible nature, always inclining to sin due to original sin inherited from Adam. Therefore it is fitting that man should reverence to a sinless creature, like an Angel. Acts of reverence to Angels by men can seen in various places the bible. For example, Joshua prostrated before an Angel(Joshua 5:14); Daniel also did the same in terror before Angel Gabriel(Dan. 8:17). For an Angel to show reverence to a man was never heard of until the Angel Gabriel reverently greeted the Blessed Virgin Mary, "Hail." This did not only confirm her sinless nature, but also points to us, her dignity which surpasses that of an angel.  For the word "Hail" is a greeting accorded to persons of royal personage. Kindly note that Angel Gabriel who reverently saluted the Blessed Virgin, was the same Angel who Daniel saw and with great fear fell upon his face, and this was the ...

Contra Protestantes: Praying to Angels and Saints

"Necromancy!" This is what protestants often call our prayers to angels and saints. We pray to angels and saints to intercede for us because they stand in a better position to obtain favors or graces from the Almighty God. This devotion impresses on our mind, the greatness of God and our unworthiness stand before him, "for our sins are ever before us"(Psalm 51:3). Praying to God when we say "Our Father" does not condemn prayer to angels and saints, nor does it eliminate the belief in the  intercession of these celestial beings.  If angels and saints offer prayers to God, would it be outrightly impossible if they intercede on our behalf? In Luke 16 : 19 - 30, the rich man, burning in hell, interceded for his brothers on earth; would it be abominable for an angel to do so before God? Absolutely Not!   If the martyred saints could pray to God for earthly vindication(c. Rev. 6:9), would they not be able to offer prayers on our behalf? The four living c...

Praying for the Dead and Doctrine of Purgatory

Praying For The Dead and the Doctrine of Purgatory. Praying for the dead is undoubtedly a profession of  belief in the purification of souls after death. Since the souls in heaven or in Hell do not need prayers, there must exist a state or condition, whereby a soul after death stands in need of prayers and God's mercy. 2Maccabees12:46; "It is therefore a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosened from their sins." In 2Tim. 1:16 -18, St. Paul prayed for a dead friend Onesiphorus. The early Christians baptized themselves on behalf of the dead(see 1 cor. 15:29-30), a practice which was never condemned by the apostles.  Christ confirmed the existence of this state in Matt.12:32, where He said, "the sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven either in this world or IN THE NEXT." Purgatory is the condition of souls which, at the moment of death, are in the state of grace, but which have not completely expiated their fau...