
Showing posts from December, 2017

Galileo and the False Accusations against the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church being divine in institution is human in its instrumentality, therefore one would not expect its members to be perfect. As Ernest Hull S.J. puts it, "The Church is the school of the imperfect." If all men were perfect, there would be no need instituting a church. If there exist cases where the ever Church passed judgement in error, the case of Galileo is definitely NOT one of them. Sadly the Church is falsely accused, not just by Protestants but also by "Catholics" who tend to deny the dogma of Papal Infallibility and the papal impostor John Paul II falsely called "saint"  didn't seem to help matters in 1992. Although the Body of Christ - the Church - endures a litany of accusations regarding this issue, this article will refute the following errors: 1.) Galileo was persecuted by the Church for teaching Heresy, 2.) Considering the Galileo case, the Pope can never be infallible, 3.) This was a case of  "Science vs Theolo...

Sins Against the Holy Ghost - Not Forgiven! - explanations.

In giving explanations I will only stick to the basics , the reason being that I have no intention to present a theological treatise(of which I'm not even capable of.) The aim is to dispel the falsehoods and half-truths circulated in the Vatican II or Novus Ordo sect. In Matthew 12:32, it is written; "who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age, or in the next."  The Catholic Church presents the following as sins against the Holy Spirit: 1. Despair 2. Presumption 3. Impenitence 4. Obstinacy 5. Resisting the Known Truth 6. Envy of our brother's spiritual good Looking at the  above mentioned sins, one cannot say that he is entirely innocent of these sins. People sometimes lose hope in God's mercy (despair) while others presume and some others envy their brother's spiritual good. Does this mean that they have sinned against the Holy Spirit? Is all hope is lost for those who - still alive - has blasphemed against the H...

Deliver Them From Francis!

Recently, Nope Francis  called for a change in translation of a phrase about temptation in the Lord's prayer. His suggestion was to use "do not let us fall into temptation" instead of "lead us not into temptation." According to him it should be, "Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fall." He affirmed that "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation. To a liberal or Novus Ordo Catholic, there is nothing wrong with the suggestion; but on the contrary, there is a problem. First, from the above statement, Francis is implying that God does not lead a soul to temptation. Secondly, his statement expresses  a total disregard, if not disbelief, in the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the aforementioned phrase. Before stating my points, the following must be made clear. 1.)Temptation is simply a solicitation to evil, hence one can be...

Self-Control in a Sex-Crazed World.

In our time, over 80% of what we watch on TV are quite harmful to the soul ranging from the movies to music to the fashion show etc. Surely the fashion shows cannot be left out of the carriage, considering the crazy designs ( e.g. the modern jeans torn at the knees, ridiculous dresses displayed on fashion tv shows) and the "almost-nude" dresses aimed at exciting lust. The shocking aspect is that over half of the world population sees nothing wrong in modern fashion trend; in fact the society craves for these immodest fashions, in other words  the love looking "sexy." It is no mere coincidence that this deplorable condition arose as soon as the world dumped the ascetic ideal i.e subduing the lustful impulses of the flesh for the benefit of the soul. Concepts such as self-mastery, self-discipline barely exists; now its all about "having fun." The society today have drank to its dregs, the poison of concupiscence; and being dead to self control( Asce...