Sins Against the Holy Ghost - Not Forgiven! - explanations.
In giving explanations I will only stick to the basics , the reason being that I have no intention to present a theological treatise(of which I'm not even capable of.) The aim is to dispel the falsehoods and half-truths circulated in the Vatican II or Novus Ordo sect.
In Matthew 12:32, it is written; "who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age, or in the next."
The Catholic Church presents the following as sins against the Holy Spirit:
1. Despair
2. Presumption
3. Impenitence
4. Obstinacy
5. Resisting the Known Truth
6. Envy of our brother's spiritual good
Looking at the above mentioned sins, one cannot say that he is entirely innocent of these sins. People sometimes lose hope in God's mercy (despair) while others presume and some others envy their brother's spiritual good. Does this mean that they have sinned against the Holy Spirit? Is all hope is lost for those who - still alive - has blasphemed against the Holy Spirit?
To answer these question, we must understand that these sins can be committed in two ways:
1.Out of weakness or ignorance; in other words it can be called a "circumstance of sin." One can fall into despair out of weakness or remain obstinate out of ignorance but this cannot be called the sin against the Holy Spirit.
2. Out of malice i.e a desire to do evil or taking pleasure in evil for its own sake. This is a sin against the Holy Ghost because out of love of evil, the soul chooses evil over good thereby contemning the good which the Holy Spirit communicates to the soul e.g hope, holy fear, compunction etc. When the above mentioned sins are committed out of malice, it is said be a Sin against the Holy Spirit.
To get a clearer understanding, let take a quick look at these sins.
This is losing hope in God's mercy (which pardons sins and rewards good deeds.) A man might fall into the sin of despair due to the nature of sin he has committed. His crime appears so grave to him that he loses hope in God's mercy. This cannot be called a sin against the Holy Spirit because he falls into despair "out of weakness." He has no love for the sins, but simply falls into its temptation out of weakness. He bears no hatred for God or despise His actions.
Here is another man who falls into the sin of despair. He has no hope in God's mercy because he is not even sorry in the first place! Unlike the first man, he has no compunction(sorrow for sin), there is no love of God. he resists the actions of the Holy Spirit to bring him back to repentance. This is a sin out of malice. This is a sin against the Holy Spirit.
This is the false hope of presuming to obtain pardon while persevering in sin; in other words presuming to obtain God's mercy without merit. Take for instance, a soul who is hardened in sin and still hopes to obtain forgiveness. There is no intention to refrain from sin, yet he hopes to obtain pardon thereby demanding from God what is unbecoming of Him i.e. rewarding evil with good or giving glory to those who cease from doing good. He does not acknowledge God's justice. Out of love for sin, he is hardened in it and resists the grace of holy fear given by the Holy Spirit. This is a sin against the Holy Spirit. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
This should not be mixed up with another kind of presumption where a soul falls into sin with the hope of going to confession and obtaining pardon in the future. In this case, he intends to make amendment, he acknowledges God's justice, he hates the sin but falls "out of weakness."
This is the firm purpose of not repenting. Due to the love of evil for its own sake, the soul resists all forms of grace (given by the Holy Spirit) which would bring him to repentance. He despises the actions of the Holy Spirit and sins through malice. This is a sin against the Holy Spirit. This should not be confused with a different kind of impenitence otherwise called "permanence in sin until death." In this case, the soul does not love the sin, but falls into it out of weakness.The Holy Spirit communicates grace but through weakness he chooses evil over good. There is a battle, but the enemy is victorious.
This is a sin against the Holy Spirit when out of malice, a soul clings to evil. Like a man who had sold his soul to the devil, he rides straight ahead on the path of evil for its own sake. He has a firm purpose, remain in this sin no matter what and cares not of its consequences. This is contrary to another kind of obstinacy, where a soul remains obstinate in sin due to a little 'good' derived from it. For instance, a girl who obstinately remains in prostitution since the occupation provides a means of livelihood. She does not love the sin, but she remains obstinate because she believes its her means of survival. This is sin out of weakness.
This is not the resistance of truth out of ignorance, but resisting the truth which he has previously acknowledged so as to sin more freely.
This is not only when one is envious of his brother's person, but also of the increase in Divine grace in the world. They love to see the world immersed in of sin out love for evil and contemn the action of the Holy Spirit in increasing divine grace in the world.
They are unforgivable because they deserve not to be forgiven. The reason being that the soul being hardened in sin removes those things which could have directed them to pardon. A disease is said to be incurable, when there is no means of cure; so also is the sin against the Holy Spirit, when the soul shuts out all means that could lead to pardon.
St. Thomas Aquinas in his "Summa Theologiae" answers that, "this (sin against the Holy Spirit) does not, however, close the way of forgiveness and healing to an all-powerful and merciful God, who, sometimes, by a miracle, so to speak, restores health to such men."
St. Augustine (in De Verb. Dorm., Serm. lxxi) adds that "it ( blasphemy against the Holy Spirit) is not confined to utterance by word of mouth, but extends to words in thoughts and deed, not to one word only, but to many."
Although the Jews blasphemed against the Holy Spirit as pointed out in Mark 3:29-30, Our lord warned them lest by similar utterances, they should come to sin against the Holy Ghost. It is in this sense that we understand the words of Our lord both in Matthew and in Mark.
"We should despair of no man in this life, considering God's omnipotence and mercy." St. Thomas Aquinas.
Holy Ghost, inspire us with the horror of sin.
Holy Ghost, grant us the only necessary knowledge.
Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful ;
And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
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