The Problem With Sex Education

Have you ever wondered why teens plunge deeper into the abyss of immorality despite the "sex education" taught in schools or at home by parents? Despite the so-called awareness on sexual ethics and education, the modern world degenerates rapidly in this respect. What are the sex educators doing wrong?
Sex education is the instruction on issues relating to human sexuality including emotional relations and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, safe sex etc.
It is true that some earnest and plain words with regard to sexual matters should be included within a complete education. But to discover the right limit and tact, one must be quite clear on the following points;
1.) The foundation of all sound education in sex must consist in "distracting the mind" from sexual matters, not directing it towards them.
2.) The problem of moral preservation in this sphere is a question "power" far more than of "knowledge". That is to say that "knowing" is not enough, they must be some "action" which must control the impulses of the flesh.

It is on these two foundations that the traditional Christian education on sex has been built up.
Another problem points to the fact that these modern educators find it difficult to appreciate the value of christian method of caring for souls and also the value of old truths. As a result, their 'unchristian' methods become to the teens, a trajectory to all forms of immoral vices. Education in sexual matters means the education of the nature by the spirit, in other words, in taking care of the soul we tutor or control the sexual impulses of the  body. This ethic, unfortunately, is not possible or accepted on the modern basis of materialism or naturalism, a theory these sex educators subscribe to. Is it then a surprise that in their proposal on education regarding sex, we hardly hear words such as chastity, self-denial etc. These can only come from religion alone.
The indispensability of the Christian ethic would be recognized, if these modern educators realize that the human nature, in relation to these sexual impulses, should be effectively disciplined and socialized i.e. being taught as an acceptable method to students.

Be Virtuous ... Be Catholic.


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