Bad Songs, Negligent Parents and the Kids.
I've always wondered at two things about celebrities:
1.) The common sense behind taking the shirt off while performing. Was the performance "so good" that these artistes opted to leave the stage half naked? I think not! I don't also think it is the "heat" on stage. If their song is that "hot", let them sing with a hand fan for the sake of modesty. I pity the souls who watch them either on TV or Live on Stage.
2.) The reason or essence of signing autographs on the skin. The anti-catholic will see nothing wrong in signing even on the forehead; but wait till he sees the ash rubbed on the forehead of a devout catholic on ash wednesday... we become pagans!
I'll suspend the second and face the first.
The immodest behaviours(such as taking off clothes), immodest fashions, provocative dances, are simply the demands of bad or immoral songs. A good song wouldn't entertain these unchristian acts.
Watching or listening to immoral songs is bad enough, but exposing our kids to them - oh! that is worse. We may "verbally" disapprove these songs, but being negligent as regards to the songs listened to or sang by the kids is a serious offence.
As a result of indifference and negligence to immoral songs, we barely have good christian music in homes especially when compared to the availability of the bad ones in our homes.
Ask a child of 6 years old to name his best 5 songs. Go to our catholic homes, and find out how many kids who could sing "O sanctissima", "Ave Maria, Our Noble Queen", or any traditional catholic song.
This reminds me of a story written by Burpo and Vincent - Heaven is for real. A boy who is believed to have seen Jesus Christ and the angels, was asked by the angels what song he will like them to sing for him. The poor child simply sang, "We will, We will Rock You." Kindly note that this child is from a staunchly protestant family.
How do we fight against the immoral fashions and dances of the young ones without taking a firm stand against bad songs and artistes.
Music cultures the mind. The rise of these empty and immoral songs has given birth to a generation of immoral and immature adults. Considering the deplorable state of the world, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Kyrie Eleison.
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