Confession in the Bible

Confession in the Bible

The life of a true Catholic is a life of humility. The sight of Catholics kneeling and confessing to a Priest, appear quite annoying to some people. They argue; "Why should I confess to man, is he not a sinner like me?" "Why should he punish me in the name of penance?"   These unfortunate  souls are often the "bible addicts" who read only for self-adulation. They will realize this if they are sincere with themselves.

Is the "Catholic Confession" in the Bible?
The Bible teaches that the confessing of sins to a Priest is a usual requisite for obtaining forgiveness.
Numbers 5 : 6 - 7; "speak unto the children of Israel. When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit ...they shall confess their sins which they  have done, etc.
Proverbs 28:13 adds, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper."
A practical example is seen in 2 Samuel 12:13 when David confessed to Nathan saying, "I have sinned against the Lord ", Nathan absolved saying, "The Lord has put away your sin" and his penance ... "the child that is born to you shall die"
(see verse 14). In other cases, we see that the "good thief" on the cross was promised salvation after he confessed. 1John 1:9; "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins."

If you despise Catholics for confessing their sins to "a man", what would you say, about the Jews coming to John the Baptist and confessing their sins(see Matt. 3:5-6); or the early converts who "confessed and showed their deeds."(Acts 19:18)
Priest forgive sins by the power of God.
(see John 20:21-23). To forgive or retain sins, the Priest must have the required information, which the penitent supplies by confession.
If a king says to the head of a prison: "Those men whom you forgive, I forgive", and then the head of the prison says to some of the men in prison: "I forgive you, go home and be good, do not kill anyone again", the men who go home free know that it is the king who really has forgiven them.


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