The New Mass: Why I do, What I do.

The Mass celebrated in Vatican II church is called the New Mass or Novus Ordo Mass. This is an invalid, non-catholic mass to say the least but before I continue , I think an "anecdote" on the new mass will be in order.
On April 3, 1969, Paul VI replaced the traditional latin mass with the new mass. This mass was concocted with the assistance of six protestant namely;
1.) A. Raymond George (Methodist)
2.) Ronald Jaspar (Anglican)
3.) Massey Shepherd (Episcopalian)
4.)Friedrich Kunneth (Lutheran)
5.) Eugene Brand (Lutheran)
6.)Max Thurian
One might ask, "why, protestant ministers?"
The answer was given by Jean Guitton, a personal friend and confidant of Paul VI who wrote, "The intention of Pope Paul VI with regard to what is commonly called the mass, was to reform the Catholic liturgy in such a way that it should almost coincide with the protestant liturgy. There was with Pope Paul VI, an ecumenical intention to remove, or at least to relax, what was too Catholic in the traditional sense in the Mass, and I repeat, to get the Catholic Mass closer to the Calvanist Mass."
(Apropos, December 19, 1993).
It is not a mere coincidence that the introduction of "communion-in-the-hand" and "communion under both kinds" was done along the same lines with the 1549 and 1552 Anglican Prayer Book. This Anglican Prayer book also permitted communicants to stand and receive communion from a lay minister; and strangely, this practice is NOT MISSING in the new mass.
A study of the Propers and Orations, reveals that out of 1182 orations, about 760 of those were dropped the "Last Gospel", abolished and the Leonine Prayers suppressed.
It is no surprise that a Novus-Ordo Catholic who attends the Traditional Latin Mass for the first time, feels "like a stranger", like someone in a "different mass" which evokes great reverence.
Today some Pro-Vatican II "conservative" Catholics also decry the changes in their "mass". Of course we've seen the changes, from clown mass, to cartoon mass, to even the Indian native mass or changes such as communion in the hand, stand-and-receive communion, "serve yourself" communion.
This was clearly the intention as pointed out in the Vatican II council documents:
"...the celebration of the Eucharist have been changed in many and important ways, bringing them more into line with the modern man's spiritual and psychological needs. Further, a change has taken place in the discipline governing the laity's participation in the sacrament." (Vatican Council II, the  Conciliar and Post-Conciliar documents, vol 1 pg. 148 1988 edition)
In order words the council is simply telling these "conservatives": "Get used to it, times have changed."
The New Mass is Invalid and here are few reasons;
1.) The new mass went contrary to the decree in the famous bull Quo Primum, which forbade the changing of the Mass.
2.) The introduction of communion in the hand,communion under both kinds which were forbidden; and in general, other "uncatholic" additions like eucharistic ministers, altar-girls etc. serves also as another reason.
3.) By the very fact that Paul VI is a heretic therefore an Anti-Pope, simply implies that his promulgations are invalid.
If you insist on going to the new mass, well, don't tell people you attended a Catholic Mass!


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