Drums, Cymbals, Bells and THE MASS.

In those days when I was a novus-ordo Catholic, I always felt it was wrong to play drums at "mass"( new mass). Interestingly, some co-religionists back then, shared the same view. All attempts to avoid participating in a "band mass" was simply a sad case of "the right act in a wrong church".
Before going into the Church's position on these instruments as regards to the Mass, the first question is:

What is Sacred Music?
"Sacred music is understood as that which,  being created for the celebration of divine worship, is endowed with a certain holy sincerity of form."
(St. Pius X, Motu Proprio 'Tra le sollecitudini,')

In summary, Pope St. Pius X stated that a Sacred Music;
1.) Must be holy, and must therefore exclude all profanity not only in itself, but in the manner in which it is presented by those who execute it.
2.) It must be a true art, for otherwise it will be impossible for it to exercise on the minds ... that efficacy which the Church aims at obtaining in admitting into her liturgy, the art of musical sounds.
3.) It must, at the same time, be Universal.

These qualities are found in;
1.) The Gregorian Chant, the supreme model for Sacred Music.
2.)Classic Polyphony(e.g. works of Pierluigi da Palestrina) because it agrees admirably with Gregorian Chant.

A certain misconception which lurks among the  novus-ordo catholics(esp. in Nigeria) holds that the theatrical style of music, such as the works  G. F. Handel, is  liturgical, therefore fit for mass. This is wrong. This style of music is diametrically opposed to Gregorian Chant and Classic Polyphony. The rhythm itself is badly fit for true liturgical music.
The Saintly Pope  forbade the modern style of music containing reminiscences of motifs adopted in the theatres, and its external forms  fashioned after profane pieces.
Hence the following rule is laid down:
"...the more closely a composition for Church approaches - in its movement, inspiration and savor - the Gregorian form, the more sacred it becomes; and the more out of harmony it is  with that supreme-model, the less worthy it is for the temple." (St.Pius X, Tra Le Sollecitudini)
By now, you are beginning to figure out why the noisy and frivolous instruments are forbidden.
Declaring the church's position on these instruments, he wrote:
"It is strictly forbidden to have band play in church, and only in special cases with the consent of the ordinary will it be permissible to admit wind instruments ... and (its) accompaniment be written in grave  and suitable style, and conform in all respects to that proper to the organ."(ibid)

If you persist in attending the New Mass, don't even bother yourself with what is sacred; for the Catholic sense of sacredness was lost when pentecostalism was introduced by the Vatican II church. As a result, there is no longer a unified form of worship in the novus ordo. In a "mass", you may find it celebrated with a modicum of orthodoxy; and in another "mass", you will witness an outrightly  protestant version with the band and its likes.
With no straightforward prohibition whatsoever, the Vatican II council ruled that the permission of other instruments maybe given based on the decision and consent of the competent territorial authority(See Constitution on the Liturgy, Art 120).
Considering the advent of Pentecostalism in the Novus Ordo religion, there exist two factions - the liberal and the conservative. Hence if your territorial authority is liberal, be rest assured that your "masses" will be "jamming" with these instruments.

Tra Le Sollectitudini (Instruction on Sacred Music) by Pope Pius X:
"Nothing should have the place, therefore, in the temple calculated to disturb or even merely to diminish the piety and devotion of the faithful, nothing that may give reasonable cause for disgust or scandal, nothing above all, which directly offends the decorum and sanctity of the sacred functions and is thus unworthy of the House of Prayer and the Majesty of God."


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