
Showing posts from 2017

Galileo and the False Accusations against the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church being divine in institution is human in its instrumentality, therefore one would not expect its members to be perfect. As Ernest Hull S.J. puts it, "The Church is the school of the imperfect." If all men were perfect, there would be no need instituting a church. If there exist cases where the ever Church passed judgement in error, the case of Galileo is definitely NOT one of them. Sadly the Church is falsely accused, not just by Protestants but also by "Catholics" who tend to deny the dogma of Papal Infallibility and the papal impostor John Paul II falsely called "saint"  didn't seem to help matters in 1992. Although the Body of Christ - the Church - endures a litany of accusations regarding this issue, this article will refute the following errors: 1.) Galileo was persecuted by the Church for teaching Heresy, 2.) Considering the Galileo case, the Pope can never be infallible, 3.) This was a case of  "Science vs Theolo...

Sins Against the Holy Ghost - Not Forgiven! - explanations.

In giving explanations I will only stick to the basics , the reason being that I have no intention to present a theological treatise(of which I'm not even capable of.) The aim is to dispel the falsehoods and half-truths circulated in the Vatican II or Novus Ordo sect. In Matthew 12:32, it is written; "who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age, or in the next."  The Catholic Church presents the following as sins against the Holy Spirit: 1. Despair 2. Presumption 3. Impenitence 4. Obstinacy 5. Resisting the Known Truth 6. Envy of our brother's spiritual good Looking at the  above mentioned sins, one cannot say that he is entirely innocent of these sins. People sometimes lose hope in God's mercy (despair) while others presume and some others envy their brother's spiritual good. Does this mean that they have sinned against the Holy Spirit? Is all hope is lost for those who - still alive - has blasphemed against the H...

Deliver Them From Francis!

Recently, Nope Francis  called for a change in translation of a phrase about temptation in the Lord's prayer. His suggestion was to use "do not let us fall into temptation" instead of "lead us not into temptation." According to him it should be, "Do not let me fall into temptation because it is I who fall, it is not God who throws me into temptation and then sees how I fall." He affirmed that "lead us not into temptation" is not a good translation. To a liberal or Novus Ordo Catholic, there is nothing wrong with the suggestion; but on the contrary, there is a problem. First, from the above statement, Francis is implying that God does not lead a soul to temptation. Secondly, his statement expresses  a total disregard, if not disbelief, in the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the aforementioned phrase. Before stating my points, the following must be made clear. 1.)Temptation is simply a solicitation to evil, hence one can be...

Self-Control in a Sex-Crazed World.

In our time, over 80% of what we watch on TV are quite harmful to the soul ranging from the movies to music to the fashion show etc. Surely the fashion shows cannot be left out of the carriage, considering the crazy designs ( e.g. the modern jeans torn at the knees, ridiculous dresses displayed on fashion tv shows) and the "almost-nude" dresses aimed at exciting lust. The shocking aspect is that over half of the world population sees nothing wrong in modern fashion trend; in fact the society craves for these immodest fashions, in other words  the love looking "sexy." It is no mere coincidence that this deplorable condition arose as soon as the world dumped the ascetic ideal i.e subduing the lustful impulses of the flesh for the benefit of the soul. Concepts such as self-mastery, self-discipline barely exists; now its all about "having fun." The society today have drank to its dregs, the poison of concupiscence; and being dead to self control( Asce...

Immaculate Conception - Mary's sinless nature - Scriptural Evidence

In the olden time, an Angel would not show reverence to a man  because Angels are greater than men. Man is of a corruptible nature, always inclining to sin due to original sin inherited from Adam. Therefore it is fitting that man should reverence to a sinless creature, like an Angel. Acts of reverence to Angels by men can seen in various places the bible. For example, Joshua prostrated before an Angel(Joshua 5:14); Daniel also did the same in terror before Angel Gabriel(Dan. 8:17). For an Angel to show reverence to a man was never heard of until the Angel Gabriel reverently greeted the Blessed Virgin Mary, "Hail." This did not only confirm her sinless nature, but also points to us, her dignity which surpasses that of an angel.  For the word "Hail" is a greeting accorded to persons of royal personage. Kindly note that Angel Gabriel who reverently saluted the Blessed Virgin, was the same Angel who Daniel saw and with great fear fell upon his face, and this was the ...

Contra Protestantes: Praying to Angels and Saints

"Necromancy!" This is what protestants often call our prayers to angels and saints. We pray to angels and saints to intercede for us because they stand in a better position to obtain favors or graces from the Almighty God. This devotion impresses on our mind, the greatness of God and our unworthiness stand before him, "for our sins are ever before us"(Psalm 51:3). Praying to God when we say "Our Father" does not condemn prayer to angels and saints, nor does it eliminate the belief in the  intercession of these celestial beings.  If angels and saints offer prayers to God, would it be outrightly impossible if they intercede on our behalf? In Luke 16 : 19 - 30, the rich man, burning in hell, interceded for his brothers on earth; would it be abominable for an angel to do so before God? Absolutely Not!   If the martyred saints could pray to God for earthly vindication(c. Rev. 6:9), would they not be able to offer prayers on our behalf? The four living c...

Praying for the Dead and Doctrine of Purgatory

Praying For The Dead and the Doctrine of Purgatory. Praying for the dead is undoubtedly a profession of  belief in the purification of souls after death. Since the souls in heaven or in Hell do not need prayers, there must exist a state or condition, whereby a soul after death stands in need of prayers and God's mercy. 2Maccabees12:46; "It is therefore a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosened from their sins." In 2Tim. 1:16 -18, St. Paul prayed for a dead friend Onesiphorus. The early Christians baptized themselves on behalf of the dead(see 1 cor. 15:29-30), a practice which was never condemned by the apostles.  Christ confirmed the existence of this state in Matt.12:32, where He said, "the sin against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven either in this world or IN THE NEXT." Purgatory is the condition of souls which, at the moment of death, are in the state of grace, but which have not completely expiated their fau...

Feminism and Nigerian Girl Child Education

No group has ever spread lies or employed sophistries like MODERN FEMINIST GROUP. No group has ever spread hate between male and the female like this group. No group has ever caused dissension in families like this group. No group has ever had the highest number of brainwashed or deluded members like this group. In the quest for freedom, the modern woman has become a slave, clothed with chains forged by her own hands. It is quite exasperating, to watch Nigerian women promote these feminist initiatives sponsored by wives of politicians who occupy positions in the Nigerian government. Surely when their husbands leave the seat, so also the feminist initiatives. Who still remembers the "Better Life for Rural Women" created by Mariam Babangida in 1986, or the most recent "Women for Change" Initiative by Dame Patience Jonathan. Go to the rural areas and see the real suffering of women, such as hunger, famine, to say the least. To them, it is no longer...

Catholics Church and the Burning of Heretics

It's quite unfortunate that some catholics believe that the church approved the burning of heretics. In the face of false accusations by protestants, weak catholics tend to summit to these allegations without uttering a word in defence. I've even heard a protestant say that Galileo was burnt by the Church. Of course this is false for Galileo wasn't burnt at stake. Anyway, this is a topic for another day. The following is an explanation by St. Thomas Aquinas on the Church's actions with regard to heretics. "With regard to heretics two points must be observed: One, on their own side, the other, on the side of the Church. On their own side there is the sin, whereby they deserve not only to be separated from the church by excommunication, but also to be severed from the world by death. For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul, than to forge money, which supports temporal life. Wherefore if forgers of  money and other evil-doers are...

Bad Songs, Negligent Parents and the Kids.

I've always wondered at two things about celebrities: 1.) The common sense behind taking the shirt off while performing. Was the performance "so good" that these artistes opted to leave the stage half naked? I think not! I don't also think it is the "heat" on stage. If their song is that  "hot", let them sing with a hand fan for the sake of modesty. I pity the souls who watch them either on TV or Live on Stage. 2.)  The reason or essence of signing autographs on the skin. The anti-catholic will see nothing wrong in signing even on the forehead; but wait till he sees the ash rubbed on the forehead of a devout catholic on ash wednesday... we become pagans! I'll suspend the second and face the first. The immodest behaviours(such as taking off clothes), immodest fashions, provocative dances, are simply the demands of bad or immoral songs. A good song wouldn't entertain these unchristian acts. Watching or listening to immoral songs is bad enou...

Salvation of Souls Outside the Catholic Church

EXTRA ECCLESIAM NULLA SALUS "Outside the Church No Salvation." The Church is one. There cannot be more than one true Church of Christ because the Church is Christ. Christ cannot be divided. Jesus Christ took to himself one mystical body and that is the Catholic Church. In the course of history, disputes, misunderstandings, the pride and greed of men, weaknesses and abuses within the Church itself, have resulted in the rending and tearing of the Body of Christ. Millions have been separated from the unity of the Body. These divisions, disputes, misunderstandings doesn't change the fact that Christ instituted ONE CHURCH. Therefore salvation can only be obtained from the church instituted by Christ. The idea that one sect or religion is as good as another is so absurd that I don't see why people haven't figured it out. If you believe that all sects or religions are inspired by God, then you do not only insult God's wisdom, but also hold Him responsible for al...


SACRED MUSIC Drums, Cymbals, Bells and THE MASS. In those days when I was a novus-ordo Catholic, I always felt it was wrong to play drums at "mass"( new mass). Interestingly, some co-religionists back then, shared the same view. All attempts to avoid participating in a "band mass" was simply a sad case of "the right act in a wrong church". Before going into the Church's position on these instruments as regards to the Mass, the first question is: What is Sacred Music? "Sacred music is understood as that which,  being created for the celebration of divine worship, is endowed with a certain holy sincerity of form." (St. Pius X, Motu Proprio 'Tra le sollecitudini,') In summary, Pope St. Pius X stated that a Sacred Music; 1.) Must be holy, and must therefore exclude all profanity not only in itself, but in the manner in which it is presented by those who execute it. 2.) It must be a true art, for otherwise it will be impossib...

Against Protestants: Catholics and Images

Catholics and Images Exodus 20:4-5; "You shall not make for yourself a graven image ... thou shall not bow down to them or serve them." This issue will be addressed under the following headings; 1. Did God condemn the making of images? 2. Do Catholics adore images. 3. Is it wrong to Bow? DID GOD CONDEMN THE MAKING OF IMAGES. Certainly not. God only condemned the making of images AND adoring(worshipping) them. If he condemned the making of images, why did He instruct Moses to make a bronze serpent in Num. 21: 8 - 9; He also instructed Moses to make two cherubim of beaten Gold in Exodus 25:18 - 19. The temple was engraved with images of cherubim, trees flowers, bronze oxen, lions etc. (see 1 kings 6: 23 - 29; 1 kings 7: 25 - 45). It so unfortunate that some self-acclaimed "bible believing Christians" think Catholics outrage God by making statues or images. If they truly follow the teachings of Christ, where did Christ condemn the making of images? Do Cat...

Confession in the Bible

Confession in the Bible The life of a true Catholic is a life of humility. The sight of Catholics kneeling and confessing to a Priest, appear quite annoying to some people. They argue; "Why should I confess to man, is he not a sinner like me?" "Why should he punish me in the name of penance?"   These unfortunate  souls are often the "bible addicts" who read only for self-adulation. They will realize this if they are sincere with themselves. Is the "Catholic Confession" in the Bible? The Bible teaches that the confessing of sins to a Priest is a usual requisite for obtaining forgiveness. Numbers 5 : 6 - 7; "speak unto the children of Israel. When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit ...they shall confess their sins which they  have done, etc. Proverbs 28:13 adds, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper." A practical example is seen in 2 Samuel 12:13 when David confessed to Nathan saying, "I have si...

The New Mass: Why I do, What I do.

The Mass celebrated in Vatican II church is called the New Mass or Novus Ordo Mass. This is an invalid, non-catholic mass to say the least but before I continue , I think an "anecdote" on the new mass will be in order. On April 3, 1969, Paul VI replaced the traditional latin mass with the new mass. This mass was concocted with the assistance of six protestant namely; 1.) A. Raymond George (Methodist) 2.) Ronald Jaspar (Anglican) 3.) Massey Shepherd (Episcopalian) 4.)Friedrich Kunneth (Lutheran) 5.) Eugene Brand (Lutheran) 6.)Max Thurian One might ask, "why, protestant ministers?" The answer was given by Jean Guitton, a personal friend and confidant of Paul VI who wrote, "The intention of Pope Paul VI with regard to what is commonly called the mass, was to reform the Catholic liturgy in such a way that it should almost coincide with the protestant liturgy. There was with Pope Paul VI, an ecumenical intention to remove, or at least to relax, what was ...

The Problem With Sex Education

Have you ever wondered why teens plunge deeper into the abyss of immorality despite the "sex education" taught in schools or at home by parents? Despite the so-called awareness on sexual ethics and education, the modern world degenerates rapidly in this respect. What are the sex educators doing wrong? Sex education is the instruction on issues relating to human sexuality including emotional relations and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, safe sex etc. It is true that some earnest and plain words with regard to sexual matters should be included within a complete education. But to discover the right limit and tact, one must be quite clear on the following points; 1.) The foundation of all sound education in sex must consist in "distracting the mind" from sexual matters, not directing it towards them. 2.) The problem of moral preservation in this sphere is a question "power" far more than of "knowledge". That is ...

A Dangerous Age In the Life of a Man

When we hear of the "most dangerous age", we often picture teenagers who are programmed to take risks such as gambling or taking narcotic drugs. Other won't leave out from this scene, youths engaged in unhealthy relationships with the opposite sex. The youngman in the picture above is  Piers Giorgio Frassati (6 April 1901 - 4 July 1925). He was an Italian Roman Catholic social activist and a member of the third order of St. Dominic. Frassati was dedicated to Social Justice issues and joined several charitable organizations to better aid the poor and less fortunate living in his hometown Turin; he puts his own pious beliefs into practice to cater to their needs and was best known for his devotedness and his amiable character. He died aged 24. His body was found incorrupt almost after eight decades. Taking a closer look at his life, we will realize that the youthful phase in the life of a man is actually not the dangerous age; there is no age more dangerous than the per...